Focusing on life


Focusing is a skill that directs your mind to listen to the wisdom of your body. It is in the slowing down and being with what ever we are finding challenging where an opportunity for real change occurs. The Focusing steps are clear and grounded in the immediate moment and our internal resources start to emerge to support the challenges that people experience in their daily lives. Eugene Gendlin termed the word Focusing to point to a particular way of noticing and sensing into the body that goes beyond what the everyday term of focusing would suggest. Focusing is more about ‘felt-sensing’ a situation or issue that brings much more than just thinking about it. In the felt sense, a situation might feel vague or unclear at first and then as its allowed space and safety more clarity comes and with that very often relief or a knowledge of the right next step. Focusing supports those who are managing difficulties in their lives. Many people use Focusing as a way to relieve anxiety, depression, habitual negative thinking or over thinking, pain, relationship issues, life direction challenges, work situations and deep emotional reactions like sadness, anger or fear. Individuals also cultivate Focusing to help them grow more joy, deepen their understanding of their human condition and expand their awareness of themselves as human beings. Focusing underpins the content of Steve Biddulph’s books, Fully Human and, his recently released book (Sept 2024), Wild Creature Mind. Along with others, I was honoured to be a consultant and collaborate with Steve during the writing of this book. Steve outlines and pays homage, in Wild Creature Mind, to Carl Rogers and Eugene Gendlin as researchers who formulated and developed a process by which information stored in the body can inform and guide an individual to release and grow from past pain and trauma. Focusing Guided sessions are offered one to one, in person,online or by phone. The fee for this service is $120 per 60 min session.
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